Project: Crochet Skirt
This is a maxi-skirt project made from recycled blue yarn. This is a bit of a boring one in that I am just copying a free pattern with a fair bit of adjustment but it does make a beautiful skirt.
Crocheting the Skirt
The pattern is Circulo's Long Skirt and Top Set and uses 9 balls of Paintbox Worsted Recycled Cotton Yarn in Meadow Green. This is handy as you can buy a pack of this yarn in bulk. The pattern is slightly difficult to follow in that I wasn't always sure which section or pattern should follow which, so I really just used it for the pretty stitch and ruffle edge stitch diagrams.
Since the yarn I had wasn't the same gauge as the patterns suggested yarn (it was much thicker), I just sized the waistband correctly (measuring it on myself) and then carried on with as many of the repeating pattern as would fit in that space. The same for the ruffle between each section (I just fit in as many as I could). When it came to increases I increased by a proportion of the total number of patterns e.g. I fit 17 motifs into the first section of the skirt but the pattern used 24. The pattern suggests an increase to 43 motifs, so I increased to 43/24*17 = 30 motifs. This gave the skirt a nice flair.
I kept going until the skirt reached the length I wanted. I blocked it very basically by leaving it to hang with its own weight on the clothes horse.
Since this dress is 90% holes, I'm not sure that I would get much wear out of it in the Welsh weather without a lining. Unfortunately, I happened to turn on of my favorite pale blue dresses slightly pink in the wash, making it unwearable. The skirt of the dress was a pale blue linen and only turned a little bit purply so I decided to turn it into the lining for this skirt. This gave a nice effect and saved an unwearable dress from the bin.